Pan de Pascua/Fruitcake
Está disponible durante la temporada de pascua. Se ha hecho tan conocido que ahora lo vendemos durante todo el año. Solo nos tienes que llamar y lo hacemos especialemente para ti!
It is available during Xmas season, although it has become so popular that now you can order it through out the year. All you have to do, is give us a ring and we´ll bake specially for you.
Galletas de Pascua/Gingerbread biscuits
Estas galletas se venden solo en temporada de pascua, en tres fromatos. Bolsas de 6, cajas de 12 y cajas de 24.
These biscuits are our famous Xmas biscuits and are available during Xmas season. You can buy them in bags of 6, boxes of 12 and boxes of 24
Galletas SSS
Galletas sin harina, sin huevo, sin gluten, deliciosas!!
Nutella con coco y yogurt.
banana, con peanut butter y chispas de chocolate.
manzana y canela.
Biscuits gluten free, no eggs, no flour.
Nutella, coconut and yogurt.
banana, peanut butter and chocolate chips.
apple and cinnamon.